Hey!This is My shout out page!If your not on here just yell at me or email
me at fallenangel66656@hotmail.com and ill add you on here alright? :P
Josh~Hey Sexi! You are such a great boyfriend! luv ya tonz!
APRIL!!!-Hey lover/sister from another mother!!hows it shakin? our crew is the coolest eva! I love
Jen!!Hey my other lover and sister from another mother! I love ya! OUR CREW RULES THE WORLD!!! tee
hee hee
January/Justin/Nick/Chris-HEY!!!HOWZ IT SHAKIN?!!!YOU ROCK MY WORLD!!!
PeiGHToN~ Hey!!! My little whore!!!
Rhiannon-Hey chik!I love you!your the greatest
Stephie-Hey sis!i love you bunchies!
Kimmy-Hey elephant!You loser..lol
Johathon-Hey I hope you get better! I hope you n dani are happy togther!
Stabguy-Hey ass hole i hate you and hope that when you go to hell satans dog humps your leg for all
Charles-Hey! when are we gonna drink that peppermint hot chocolate?
Max-Hey how goes it?how come you dont talk to me anymore?
Bryce-Hey fat ass how goes it?lol just kidding you know i love ya
Cheylyn-Hey babe i miss ya sis!
Adam-Hey asshole!just kidding Your cool lol
Evan-hey buddie toobad your sister isnt more like you shed be alot more fun to hang around lol thanks
for the cd
Evan F.-Got hoover?
Anne-Hey chik what ya up to?
Brandon-Hey yoda!Is that better than brandonno?lol.rock on!
Brandon(cousion)-Hey!Can't wait till you come down here for summer!I need someone to jam with!Once
you find a drummer for your band yall are gonna kick ass!Rock on!
Brooke-Hey bestest friend When are you gonna come visit me?
Lauren-Hey Duck(lol hehehe) We diffanetely need to hang out more!
Sammie-Hay thx for helping me with the whole wrist thing, you've really helped me alot thanks for
being there for me!
Dani-Hey chik!we should hang out some time!..uh..stay out of trouble!lol i unno...u n matt r really
cute for eachother.:)
Erin-Hey cyco!You and Jacob make a cute couple, even tho ive only seen a pic of him and have never
seen the two of you together...:) BOTHER BOTHER BOTHER!!
Natasha-Hey!I sware you and todd go through more break-up-then-get-back-together moments than anyone
I know!!lol
Adam(4thpd)-Hey freak lol
Seth-Hey sparkplug
Scott-Hey buddie! we still need to hang out more.:)
Ben- i dont owe you 16$ and the 5$ bet dosent count cuz you werent there so HA!lol
Trigg-Im gonna miss you so much! Im sad that youre quitting band!:(
Lauren C.-HEy bestest friend I miss you!!
Em-HEy!!when are you gonna give me those horse back lessons? How are things with you and that guy?
Claire-HEy im gonna miss you next year!
Chris-Hey!rock on youare so halarious dont stop making
ppl smile sometimes they forget how
Jeff-Hey!dont forget me mkay?
Nastassia-Hey babe! I love ya! dont worry, lol youll find that perfect guy out there...maybe D.Q. tee hee hee...
Tara-Hey Amiga!
Stacy-good job on stayin out of my way on the field lol Love ya cooper-scooper!!
Irelly- hey ieedy!!"Oh christmas tree, Oh christmas tree..." and remember, POLE AWARENESS IRELLY!! lol
Izzy- Hey grace!! keep up the good work in guard...:)
Chewy-hey beckah, i LOVE your car, it rocks!!
Vash-Hey!you rock! we should REALLY hang out sometime! :)
Ashley-Hey chic! when are we gonna go hang out at the mall?
Andrew G.-Hey goober, hows it shakin??????:)
Andrew(nadia's andrew)-Hey loser lol
Nadia-Hey!!i miss ya my fishie!
Crystal-lol you are such a wierdo...
Nina-HEY!!!!!we still need to go to a concert together...that will be sooo awesome!
Joe-hey, hows bein with your two(or is it three?hmmm i forget..)girlfriends workin out for ya? lol
Jenna-Hey!!! I love talkin to you in english! you rock, we should hang out sometime!!
Katie-Hey tuba chik!! when r we gonna go hang at the mall???huh huh??
Taylor-yeah he is hott because I say he is...I dnt care if you think so or not.lol
If i forgot anyone sorry ill add you later im just running a lil low on time to add stuff to this